Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Tourism in Richmond County

Philip and Christine Arenberg, the winners of the Richmond County Ticket Draw at this year's Saltscapes Travel Expo, arrived in St. Peter’s to accept their prize package last week. The prizes were one of the features provided by the Destination Cape Breton Tourism Organization Contingent, which consisted of tourism groups from around the Island. The Richmond County Package consisted of overnight stays and a breakfast, donated graciously by the Bras d’Or Lakes Inn and the MacDonald Country Inn, both in St. Peter’s, and L’Auberge Acadienne Inn in Arichat, and the Dundee Resort and Golf Club which donated a play and stay package to our lucky winners. The Arenberg’s also received a dining certificate from Louie’s Cozy Corner Restaurant in St. Peter’s. Mr. Arenberg told me that this was the first time he had actually filled out a contest ballot and had done so only because he was waiting in the line up as his wife gathered information on the area. When he was offered a ballot by Gary from the St. Peter’s Visitor Information Centre they started to talk and Gary told him of all the great activities being held in Richmond and that he should try his luck and he thought why not. He was really surprised when he received the phone call telling him he had won. He also mentioned that he had never won anything like this before. The Arenberg ticket had been picked out of 1426 ballots filled out at our booth during the Expo. Our lucky ticket winners has decided to divide up the certificates and make two separate trips to our island, one now and another during the Celtic Colours International Festival, which they are looking forward to. We would like to extend out congratulations to the Arenberg’s and hope that they have a wonderful time in the area. Thanks to all the operators who donated prizes.

The 8th Annual Surf Classic took place the end of August and although it was foggy on the water the surfers took no notice as they rushed out into the surf and road the waves back into shore. There were over 40 competitors and a lot of spectators on hand to cheer them on. Not only did the surfers take to the water, but some of the youngsters made their way into the water and had a great time playing in the sand. At this time I am still waiting for a full list of the winners from the event but I am able to announce the Kayak Cape Breton operator Eberhart Witt retained his title in the Kayak division of the competition. I will give a further update on the winners in my next column. Michelle Richards, who has been in charge of the competition since its beginning, did a tremendous job in keeping all the events running on schedule. As well Charlene Marshall, Tourism Coordinator for the Municipality of Richmond, did a great job organizing the Surf Classic Expo’s events held throughout St. Peter’s. Great work ladies on a job well done. With the hard work from all those involved in the operation of the Surf Lessons that run throughout the summer and with the Surf Classic, the surf industry will continue to make waves in the years to come.

The Ultimate Picnic took place on Tuesday, August 30th to a sold out crowd with over 150 tickets being sold. And what a picnic it was. The St. Peter’s Canal National Historic Site was transformed into a mystical Shangri-La where lights twinkled on the waters of the canal as the boats took on a translucent glow as guests dined on dishes fit for Peruvian nobility while the band played and guests danced. What an experience for St. Peter’s! Pearlene Mofford and her crew of hard workers can definitely take a bow for this exceptional food adventure.

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