Saturday 25 July 2020

Wondering how long it takes to get around Cape Breton Island! Here is the distances between each area in Cape Breton.

Distance around Cabot Trail and the Cabot Trail to the Canso Causeway.

If you are wondering how long it will take you to drive around the Cabot Trail, here is the
approx. time to travel Cabot Trail, it takes 6 and 1/2 hours.

Distances between each location:

From Sydney to St. Ann's - 59km or 45 minutes.
St. Ann's to Baddeck - 18 km or 20 minutes.
St. Ann's to Ingonish - 69km or 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Ingonish to Cape North - 44km or 40 minutes.
Cape North to Pleasant Bay - 27.5km or 35 minutes.
Pleasant Bay to Cheticamp - 42.5km or 55 minutes.
Cheticamp to Margaree - 35km or 45minutes.
Margaree to Baddeck - 53km or 45 minutes.
Margaree Forks to Mabou - 48.4km or 40 minutes.
Mabou to Port Hastings - 58.4km or 43 minutes.
Margaree to the Canso Causeway - 107km or 1hour and 30 minutes..
Baddeck to the Canso Causeway - 83km or 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Sydney to Iona - 63km or 42 minutes.
Baddeck to Iona - 53km or 45 minutes.
East Bay to Iona - 44.1km or 40 minutes.
Iona to Aberdeen on Hwy. route 105 - 21.3km or 18 minutes.
Sydney to St. Peter's - 86km or 1 hour and 13 minutes.
St. Peter's to Iona - 106km or 1 hour and 25 minutes.
St. Peter's to Baddeck - 117km or 1 hour and 28 minutes.
St Peter's to Arichat - 36km or 28 minutes.
Arichat to the Canso Causeway - 51km or 43 minutes. 
St. Peter's to the Canso Causeway - 51km or 40 minutes.

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